Just thinking over life and what the Lord has given me, I realized that my "little" boy is not so little anymore. Isn't it ironic that our whole mission in life as parents is to raise up children to leave our homes to have their own family. It is a bitter sweet process. I remember with Ben, our first born, wanting him to hurry and crawl, talk, walk, use a utnesil on his own, dress himself etc. You know, all the first milestones that every first parent wants their baby to do. It wasn't that I was hurrying those moments so that I might have more time for myself if he were more independent. It was that I couldn't wait to see what this little bundle of joy would do next. I remember being so fascinated by this little "person." As I watch him today, I find myself holding onto each moment tightly. I don't find myself wanting him to hurry to do the next things so much anymore. I know that all too soon he will need me for not much of anything. I feel it everyday as I watch him grow and mature. My prayer for him is to grow in the very grace that the Lord saved him with. That he would grow in wisdom of his Savior and seek Him more and more everday through the scriptures. Ben has been such a blessing to us and it is a blessing to call him son. But more amazing, is that I call him Brother in Christ. Thank you Lord for this challenging journey of parenthood that you have sent us out on. May You be glorified in all we do.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
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